When most people think of investing it’s either property, shares, bonds or cash that come to mind, but there are other types of investments known as “Alternatives”. They are typically the domain of large institutions, which according to a 2012 Russell Investment Survey 22.4% of institutional portfolios are allocated to Alternatives. Not surprisingly, Alternatives are… [Read More]
Your Resources
Jobs growth a positive sign for economy
In our October market update we wrote about the many reasons to take a half glass full view of the Australian economy and look through the negativity portrayed by the media. Today we saw figures released stating that 58,000 jobs were created in October. Coupled with this was a drop in the unemployment rate to… [Read More]
Using super to buy an investment property
The ability to use an SMSF to take out a limited recourse loan to buy property has been allowed to continue despite a recent inquiry recommending it be banned. This was viewed as a legitimate financing option as there is currently no evidence that debt levels inside the super system posed a risk. So lets… [Read More]
Bank shareholders win as rates increased
I have always said it is better to be a shareholder of a bank in Australia rather than a just customer, particularly if you have an SMSF. This point has been reinforced over the past couple of weeks when almost in tandem, the Big Four increased rates out of cycle with the Reserve Bank. ANZ… [Read More]
Australian market performance – a good year
As we look back on the last financial year we have seen Australia face numerous challenges with the decline in our mining sector, rising unemployment, a political stalemate over the budget and below trend growth. Yet with all of these forces at play it was a year when bonds, residential property and shares all posted… [Read More]
Budget 2015: A big win for Small Business
In a move that has been well received across the business community, the Government has introduced a number of measures to help small business. As the biggest generators of employment in Australia, giving small business a boost is designed to kick start the Australian economy as it struggles to transition from the mining boom. The… [Read More]