There has been a lot of speculation about potential changes to superannuation and the debate has again been politicised with Labor resurrecting plans to tax superannuation income over $75,000, previously proved as an unworkable tax. However, the Coalition did keep its commitment not to tinker with superannuation in this year’s budget, but that does not… [Read More]
Budget 2015: Childcare
The Budget has set out measures that change to the way childcare funding will be distributed. The changes are based on a number of factors that include how much you earn, much much you work, the cost of your child care and how many days your kids are in care. The childcare rebate (not means-tested)… [Read More]
Insurance Part II: 3 Tips to get the right cover
Last month we looked at the importance of personal insurance and the types of policies to protect against risks to your financial well-being. This month, we outline three important things to think about when choosing personal insurance. Everyone is different, as is their personal situation, so while there is no one size fits all approach… [Read More]
Which super fund is right for you?
Super is the largest investment for many Australians and yet around 80% of people leave it to their employer to choose where their retirement nest egg is invested! With over 350 superannuation funds to choose, catering to different needs and levels of sophistication – the choice to find the right fund can be daunting. So… [Read More]
Insurance Part I: Can you risk it if your number comes up?
You wouldn’t drive without car insurance, or live in a house without home and contents insurance, yet over 95 per cent of families do not have adequate insurance.1 We take some of the best things in life for granted. The ability to earn an income can be one of them. It’s just work, right? But… [Read More]
Unlock your super while still working
Are you age 55 or over? Looking to boost your retirement savings tax effectively? Have debt to retire before you do? Want to reduce work without compromising your lifestyle? When you reach preservation age (currently 55 and over, depending on the year you were born), it is possible to start drawing on your superannuation… [Read More]