Simplicity is not easy to achieve. In fact, I personally find it very difficult and have had to work really hard at it. When things are complex it’s easy to ignore them, and put them into the “too hard basket”. This often happens to our own detriment as things are not prioritised based on importance, which ultimately leads to more complexity and stress.
We all crave an element of simplicity in our lives, but it’s often fear that gets in the way. As a child life is simple, but as we grow older, the complexities of modern life start to take hold and we begin to lose sight of our dreams and purpose. It’s not until later on in life I see people thinking more about simplicity. Perhaps this is because retirement, age or health start to focus the mind on what it is really important.
Distilling ideas into coherent thought and removing distractions can take discipline and hard work. However, starting the process is the most important so you can work out your path of least resistance.
Businesses that make things simple or solve a clear problem tend to be the most successful. Investment strategies that are simple and applied consistently over time, tend to be the most successful.
If simplicity is the key to success, then perhaps we should aspire to the simple life!
Rob Gilmour is the Managing Principal of Wealth Simplicity.
The information provided should not be considered personal financial advice as it is intended to provide general advice only. The content has been prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial situations or needs. You should seek personal financial advice before making any financial or investment decisions.